Moving a parent to an adult family home is not an easy decision for the patient and the immediate family. Even when your loved one agrees to the set-up of special health care, senior care transitions could still result in adverse effects and can...
Read More ›When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, it can be difficult for the entire family. Dementia is a chronic, progressive disease that is characterized by the loss of cognitive functioning that affects a person’s ability to communicate. Hence,...
Read More ›Taking care of individuals with memory impairments can be really challenging for most people. It’s like embarking on a lengthy, difficult, and emotionally draining journey. Their condition makes it more and more difficult for them to remember...
Read More ›Dementia may have a big effect on a person’s behavior. They may be afraid of being alone, losing their memory, and forgetting who they are. They may also be confused about what’s happening around them or why they can’t control certain...
Read More ›It isn’t true that dementia patients lose all their abilities and cannot anymore enjoy life. Setting aside these stigmas, a senior care home in Bellevue, Washington, lists down ways you can help improve the quality of life for those living with...
Read More ›When your aging loved one is diagnosed with dementia, they must have someone they can depend on, especially if they’re in the latter stages of dementia. And that’s exactly what we’re offering at Bellevue Rose AFH Inc., a trusted adult...
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