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Giving Extra Care for Older Adults With Dementia

Dementia is an illness that targets a person’s cognitive functions, such as thinking and remembering. At its late and severe stage, it can seriously affect and interfere with a person’s daily activities. Among its signs include wandering and getting lost in a familiar place due to memory problems, difficulty expressing one’s thoughts, or asking questions repeatedly. Thus, if your loved one is diagnosed with this illness, providing them assistance in their personal care routine and other activities will greatly help them.

Here are some dementia care tips to remember to create a safe and comfortable environment for them:

  • Be flexible to be attuned to their preferences and required care
  • Provide simple instructions to them by posting notes in places where they can easily spot inside the house
  • Aside from establishing a daily routine, allow some leeway for spontaneous activities

For long-term care, you can place your loved one in an adult family home in Washington for ample monitoring and provision of services and activities that are suitable to their condition.

At Bellevue Rose AFH Inc., we can be your reliable partner providing comprehensive care and assistance to your senior loved ones. We are a provider of a senior care home in Bellevue, Washington, to provide a home-like environment to seniors who would like to enjoy their twilight years to the fullest.

To know more about our senior care services, you can visit our website at or call us anytime at 425-417-3840/ 425-643-8153.

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